Interim managers?
Not with us!
Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Purchasing, Project Management—every day you work with sensitive data, with business-critical processes. With tasks that belong in the hands of people you trust. People who act as responsibly as you and your colleagues. We at Confinac are flexible, cooperative and competent. We work only with our permanent employees, so you know with whom you are dealing.
Important to know:
- Our employees are permanently employed with us.
- You contract us by project, with full flexibility.
- The employee interests of your company representatives remain unaffected by this.
- Our work is continuously scalable.
- As experts in our field, we do not waste any time getting started.
- We support you in the areas of Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Purchasing and/or Project Management.
When we work for you, you usually have a team leader and an expert at your disposal:
Team Leader
- Dedicated qualified contact person for the client
- Takes over and supports short-term tasks
- Supports our employees with specialized knowledge
- Coordinates processes between teams and the client
Accountant / Controller / Purchaser / Project team member
- Dedicated expert with specialized knowledge
- Provides specialized support for the client’s team members